[Nintendo Switch] Hekate v5.7.2 & Nyx v1.2.2

Siga o Podcast NewsInside

Bootloader gráfico personalizado do Nintendo Switch, patcher de firmware, ferramentas e muito mais.

Melhorias Hekate & Nyx
  • HOS 14.0.0 Support
  • Improve boot speed even further

These changes come and sit on top of v5.7.0 significant boot speed optimizations

  • And issue was fixed where it would unmount sd on new setups with no hekate_ipl.ini and throw an error about missing Nyx.

That was introduced in v5.7.0 and was caused because creating a new ini would unmount the sd card at the end.

  • Various fixes and improvements

Notice about Atmosphere 1.0.0 and up: The fss0=atmosphere/fusee-secondary.bin in hekate_ipl.ini must be changed to fss0=atmosphere/package3. And make sure that atmosphere/contents folder does not have old Atmosphere components.
Notice about resized emuMMC: Resized emuMMC does not have the slow bug anymore. You can create a new one or recreate it via Nyx and the issue will be gone.

another changes: https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate/releases


[Nintendo Switch] Atmosphere 1.3.0

Siga o Podcast NewsInside

Atmosphère é um firmware personalizado em andamento para o Nintendo Switch.

Atmosphère consiste em vários componentes, cada um dos quais substitui/modifica um componente diferente do sistema:

  • Fusée: Carregador de primeiro estágio, responsável por carregar e validar o estágio 2 (TrustZone customizado) mais o pacote2 (Sistemas Kernel/FIRM), e corrigi-los conforme necessário. Isso substitui todas as funcionalidades normalmente no Package1loader/NX Bootloader.
  • Exosphère: TrustZone personalizado, para executar um monitor seguro personalizado
  • Thermosphère: suporte EL2 EmuNAND, ou seja, backup e uso de imagens NAND virtualizadas/redirecionadas
  • Stratosphère: Sysmodule(s) personalizado(s), tanto no estilo Rosalina para estender o kernel/fornecer novos recursos, quanto no estilo de reimplementação do carregador para capturar ações importantes do sistema
  • Troposphère: patches do Horizon OS em nível de aplicativo, usados para implementar recursos desejáveis do CFW

O Atmosphere foi atualizado para suportar a firmware 14.00, a nova firmware adiciona suporta a pastas, no que é dado nome de “Grupos”, pois a Nintendo quer ser a diferentona, como sempre.

As melhorias e adições do Atmosphere 1.3.0 são as seguintes:

Melhorias e Adições do Atmosphere 1.3.0 (Inglês)

1.3.0 is Atmosphère’s sixty-fourth official release. Who doesn’t love round numbers?

Please be sure to update fusee when upgrading to 1.3.0. fusee-primary no longer exists, and will not work any more.

Please note: Atmosphère 1.3.0 is currently in pre-release, and issues may be found that need to be fixed before full release.

  • If any bugs are reported while Atmosphère is in pre-release, they will be fixed and the build will be updated.
  • 1.3.0 will transition to release after a short amount of time has passed without pressing bug reports.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 1.3.0 is bundled with hbl 2.4.1, and hbmenu 3.5.0.

The following was changed since the last release:

Support was added for 14.0.0.

  • mesosphère was updated to reflect the latest official kernel behavior.
  • erpt was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
  • pm was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
  • fatal was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
  • The currently implemented/tested targets are Windows (x64), Linux (x64, arm64), macOS (x64, arm64).
    If you are a developer interested in adding support for another target, please reach out to SciresM#0524 on discord.
  • This is intended to finally allow sanely testing Atmosphère’s code, by allowing most of it to run on a PC (with access to a debugger) instead of on game console hardware.
  • In addition, this will allow making PC tools which reuse code written for Atmosphère directly..

Please Note: This has no relation to interacting with official software on PC whatsoever. This really allows for making tests and self-contained atmosphère-based command-line tools; the Atmosphère project continues to have zero interest in attempting to run official software of any kind.

  • In the course of adding this support (and working on tooling using it), a number of fairly major revisions were made to stratosphere (particularly surrounding filesystem code).
  • Please Note: A number of changes made for this (and ones necessary in the process of adding support for 14.0.0) are api-breaking.

If you’re a developer and any of this caused your code to break, please feel free to contact SciresM#0524 for help updating your program.

Para atualizar, verifique seu pacote atmosphere do switch ou baixe no link abaixo:


[Nintendo Switch] Atmosphere 0.19.5

Revisado por Mr. Madruga

Como havia falado no post anterior, sempre que o atmosphere é atualizado em decorrer de uma nova update, nós do NI tentamos avisar no mesmo instante. O Atmosphere em sua nova versão 0.19.5 traz as seguintes mudanças como listado abaixo.


  • Support was added for 12.1.0.
  • LayeredFS support was added for OpenDataStorageWithProgramIndex commands.
    • Certain games using newer (7.0.0+ APIs) which include multiple programs under a single title previously could not be modified.
    • These are now supported as normal, and LayeredFS should have 100% compatibility again.
  • A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
    • The Reboot to Payload NRO was updated to allow the OS to save state prior to rebooting (thanks @AuroraWright)!
    • An issue was fixed that could cause dns.mitm to fail when games requested resolution of an empty string.
    • An issue was fixed that caused a memory leak in the erpt system module.
      • This would eventually cause a system crash after ~540 reports were generated without rebooting.
  • A number of minor improvements were made to improve mesosphere’s accuracy.
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.


[Nintendo Switch] Atmosphere 0.19.4

Apenas mais um update para quem está atrasado, changelog:

  • Support was added for 12.0.3.
  • A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
    • An issue was fixed that could cause heap memory corruption when allocation was highly contended.
    • An issue was fixed that could cause sleep to fail under certain conditions.
    • An issue was fixed that could cause a scheduler slow path to be taken more often than necessary.
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.


[Lançamento] Atmosphère 0.13.0 x Update Nintendo

[responsivevoice_button rate=”1″ pitch=”0.9″ volume=”0.4″ voice=”Brazilian Portuguese Female” buttontext=”Play”]

Está tudo bem agora!

A ultima update oficial do switch não fez nada no atmosphère e todos podem atualizar normalmente, sem riscos ou algum tipo de espera, não houve alteração no boot ou kernel que exijam uma nova versão do atmosphere para rodar, SciresM apenas fez algumas atualizações planejadas, não há razão para você atualizar a firmware agora, mas o ScireM está também atualizando devido a novos patches em cada jogo lançado.

Change Log:

exosphère, atmosphère’s secure monitor re-implementation, was completely re-written.

  • exosphère was the first component authored for the project in early 2018. It is written in C, and in a style very different from the rest of atmosphère’s code.
    • This has made the codebase difficult to maintain as time has gone on.
  • exosphère was also written to conform to constraints and assumptions that simply no longer apply when cfw is not launched from the web browser, and when warmboothax is possible.
  • Even beyond these issues, exosphère used all but 1KB of the 64KB of space available to it. This was a problem for a few reasons:
    • Each new system update added requires additional space to support (to add new keys and reflect various changes); 10.0.0 support used up 3 of the 4KB we had left.
    • atmosphère will want to have software support for mariko hardware, and this is not possible to fit in 1 KB.
  • The exosphère rewrite (which was codenamed exosphère2 during development) solves these problems.
  • The new codebase is C++20 written in atmosphère’s style.
    • This solves the maintainability problem, and should make understanding how the secure monitor works much easier for those interested in using the code as a reference implementation.
  • In addition, the new implementation currently uses ~59.5 of the 64KB available.
    • Several potential code changes are planned that can save/grant access to an additional ~2-3 KB if needed.
      • Unlike the first codebase, the new exosphère actually already has space allocated for future keys/etc. It is currently expected that the reserved space will never be required.
    • The previous implementation chose not to implement a number of “unimportant” secure monitor functions due to space concerns. The new code has enough breathing room that it can implement them without worries. :)
  • Finally, the groundwork for mariko support has been laid — there are only a few minor changes needed for the new secure monitor implementation to work on both erista and mariko hardware.
    • Please note: exosphère is only one of many components, and many more need changes to support running on mariko hardware.
      • Software-side support for executing on mariko hardware is expected some time during Summer 2020, though it should also be noted that this is not a hard deadline.
  • Please note: The new exosphère binary is not abi-compatible with the old one. Users who boot using hekate should upgrade to hekate v5.3.0 before running 0.13.0 (or boot fusee-primary via hekate).

atmosphère’s api for target firmware was changed. All minor/micro system versions are now recognized, instead of only major versions.

  • This was required in order to support firmware version 5.1.0, which made breaking changes to certain IPC APIs that caused atmosphère 0.12.0 to abort.
  • Please note: this is (unavoidably) a breaking change. System modules using atmosphere-libs will need to update to understand what firmware version they are running.

emummc was updated to include the new changes.

  • emummc now uses an updated/improved/faster SDMMC driver.
  • File-based emummc is now almost as fast as raw partition-based emummc.

For those interested in atmosphère’s future development plans, the project’s roadmap was updated.General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.

Atmosphère 0.10.5

SciresM lançou hoje, 20/03/2020 mais uma update do Atmosphère, agora evitando crashes (not bandicoot!) do qual estava ocorrendo um bug no novo suporte a dumping TLS do 0.10.4 e corrige o suporte layeredfs para jogos com enormes tabelas de arquivos  (football manager 2020, animal crossing).

O seguinte foi alterado desde o último lançamento

  • Please note: Atmosphère 0.10.0 is currently in pre-release.
    • If any bugs are reported while Atmosphère is in pre-release, they will be fixed and the build will be updated.
    • 0.10.0 will transition to release after a short amount of time has passed without pressing bug reports.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • Support was added for 9.1.0
    • Please note: The temporary hid-mitm added in Atmosphere 0.9.x will be removed in Atmosphere 0.10.1.
      • Please ensure your homebrew is updated.
  • The Stratosphere rewrite was completed.
    • libstratosphere was rewritten as part of Stratosphere’s refactor.
      • Code responsible for providing and managing IPC services was greatly improved.
        • The new code is significantly more accurate (it is bug-for-bug compatible with Nintendo’s code), and significantly faster.
    • ams.mitm was rewritten as part of Stratosphere’s refactor.
      • Saves redirected to the SD card are now separated for sysmmc vs emummc.
      • Please note: If you find any bugs, please report them so they can be fixed.
  • Thanks to the rewrite, Atmosphere now uses significantly less memory.
    • Roughly 10 additional megabytes are now available for custom system modules to use.
    • This means you can potentially run more custom system modules simultaneously.
      • If system modules are incompatible, please ask their authors to reduce their memory footprints.
  • Atmosphere’s configuration layout has had major changes.
    • Configuration now lives inside /atmosphere/config/.
    • Atmosphere code now knows what default values should be, and includes them in code.
      • It is no longer an error if configuration inis are not present.
    • Correspondingly, Atmosphere no longer distributes default configuration inis.
      • Templates are provided in /atmosphere/config_templates.
    • loader.ini was renamed to override_config.ini.
    • This fixes the longstanding problem that atmosphere updates overwrote user configuration when extracted.
  • Atmosphere’s process override layout was changed.
    • Atmosphere now uses the /atmosphere/contents directory, instead of /atmosphere/titles.
      • This goes along with a refactoring to remove all reference to “title id” from code, as Nintendo does not use the term.
    • To make this transition easier, a temporary functionality has been added that migrates folders to the new directory.
      • When booting into 0.10.0, Atmosphere will rename /atmosphere/titles/<program id> to /atmosphere/contents/<program id>.
        • This functionality may or may not be removed in some future update.
      • This should solve any transition difficulties for the typical user.
      • Please make sure that any future mods you install extract to the correct directory.
  • Support for configuring override keys for hbl was improved.
    • The key used to override applications versus a specific program can now be different.
      • The key to override a specific program can be managed via override_key.
      • The key to override any app can be managed via override_any_app_key.
    • Default override behavior was changed.
      • By default, atmosphere will now override the album applet with hbl unless R is held.
      • By default, atmosphere will now override any application with hbl only if R is held.
  • The default amount of applet memory reserved has been slightly increased.
    • This allows the profile selector applet to work by default in applet mode.
  • The way process override status is captured was changed.
    • Process override keys are now captured exactly once, when the process is created.
      • This fixes the longstanding issue where letting go of the override button partway into the process launch could cause problems.
    • The Mitm API was changed to pass around override status.
      • Mitm services now know what keys were held when the client was created, as well as whether the client is HBL/should override contents.
    • An extension was added to pm:info to allow querying a process’s override status.
  • Thanks to process override capture improvements, hbl html behavior has been greatly improved.
    • Web applets launched by hbl will now always see the /atmosphere/hbl_html filesystem
  • Support was added to exosphere for enabling usermode access to the PMU registers.
    • This can be controlled via exosphere!enable_user_pmu_access in BCT.ini.
  • An enormous number of minor bugs were fixed.
    • dmnt’s cheat VM had a fix for an inversion in opcode behavior.
    • An issue was fixed in fs.mitm’s management of domain object IDs that could lead to system corruption in rare cases.
    • The Mitm API no longer silently fails when attempting to handle commands passing C descriptors.
      • On previous atmosphere versions, certain commands to FS would silently fail due to this…
        • No users reported any visible errors, but it was definitely a problem behind the scenes.
      • These commands are now handled correctly.
    • Atmosphere can now display a fatal error screen significantly earlier in the boot process, if things go wrong early on.
    • The temporary hid mitm will no longer sometimes cause games to fail to detect input.
    • Mitm Domain object ID management no longer desynchronizes from the host process.
    • An issue was fixed that could cause service acquisition to hang forever if certain sm commands were called in a precise order.
    • An off-by-one was fixed that could cause memory corruption in server memory management.
    • … and too many more bugs fixed to reasonably list them all :)
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience


Download & Fonte: https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere/releases

Switch Atmosphere 0.10.3

SciresM lançou a nova update para o CFW Atmosphère, agora podendo usar a ultima firmware do console.




0.10.0 is Atmosphère’s twenty-third official release.

fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.10.0.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.10.0 is bundled with hbl 2.2, and hbmenu 3.1.1.

  • Please note: Atmosphère 0.10.0 is currently in pre-release.
    • If any bugs are reported while Atmosphère is in pre-release, they will be fixed and the build will be updated.
    • 0.10.0 will transition to release after a short amount of time has passed without pressing bug reports.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • Support was added for 9.1.0
    • Please note: The temporary hid-mitm added in Atmosphere 0.9.x will be removed in Atmosphere 0.10.1.
      • Please ensure your homebrew is updated.
  • The Stratosphere rewrite was completed.
    • libstratosphere was rewritten as part of Stratosphere’s refactor.
      • Code responsible for providing and managing IPC services was greatly improved.
        • The new code is significantly more accurate (it is bug-for-bug compatible with Nintendo’s code), and significantly faster.
    • ams.mitm was rewritten as part of Stratosphere’s refactor.
      • Saves redirected to the SD card are now separated for sysmmc vs emummc.
      • Please note: If you find any bugs, please report them so they can be fixed.
  • Thanks to the rewrite, Atmosphere now uses significantly less memory.
    • Roughly 10 additional megabytes are now available for custom system modules to use.
    • This means you can potentially run more custom system modules simultaneously.
      • If system modules are incompatible, please ask their authors to reduce their memory footprints.
  • Atmosphere’s configuration layout has had major changes.
    • Configuration now lives inside /atmosphere/config/.
    • Atmosphere code now knows what default values should be, and includes them in code.
      • It is no longer an error if configuration inis are not present.
    • Correspondingly, Atmosphere no longer distributes default configuration inis.
      • Templates are provided in /atmosphere/config_templates.
    • loader.ini was renamed to override_config.ini.
    • This fixes the longstanding problem that atmosphere updates overwrote user configuration when extracted.
  • Atmosphere’s process override layout was changed.
    • Atmosphere now uses the /atmosphere/contents directory, instead of /atmosphere/titles.
      • This goes along with a refactoring to remove all reference to “title id” from code, as Nintendo does not use the term.
    • To make this transition easier, a temporary functionality has been added that migrates folders to the new directory.
      • When booting into 0.10.0, Atmosphere will rename /atmosphere/titles/<program id> to /atmosphere/contents/<program id>.
        • This functionality may or may not be removed in some future update.
      • This should solve any transition difficulties for the typical user.
      • Please make sure that any future mods you install extract to the correct directory.
  • Support for configuring override keys for hbl was improved.
    • The key used to override applications versus a specific program can now be different.
      • The key to override a specific program can be managed via override_key.
      • The key to override any app can be managed via override_any_app_key.
    • Default override behavior was changed.
      • By default, atmosphere will now override the album applet with hbl unless R is held.
      • By default, atmosphere will now override any application with hbl only if R is held.
  • The default amount of applet memory reserved has been slightly increased.
    • This allows the profile selector applet to work by default in applet mode.
  • The way process override status is captured was changed.
    • Process override keys are now captured exactly once, when the process is created.
      • This fixes the longstanding issue where letting go of the override button partway into the process launch could cause problems.
    • The Mitm API was changed to pass around override status.
      • Mitm services now know what keys were held when the client was created, as well as whether the client is HBL/should override contents.
    • An extension was added to pm:info to allow querying a process’s override status.
  • Thanks to process override capture improvements, hbl html behavior has been greatly improved.
    • Web applets launched by hbl will now always see the /atmosphere/hbl_html filesystem
  • Support was added to exosphere for enabling usermode access to the PMU registers.
    • This can be controlled via exosphere!enable_user_pmu_access in BCT.ini.
  • An enormous number of minor bugs were fixed.
    • dmnt’s cheat VM had a fix for an inversion in opcode behavior.
    • An issue was fixed in fs.mitm’s management of domain object IDs that could lead to system corruption in rare cases.
    • The Mitm API no longer silently fails when attempting to handle commands passing C descriptors.
      • On previous atmosphere versions, certain commands to FS would silently fail due to this…
        • No users reported any visible errors, but it was definitely a problem behind the scenes.
      • These commands are now handled correctly.
    • Atmosphere can now display a fatal error screen significantly earlier in the boot process, if things go wrong early on.
    • The temporary hid mitm will no longer sometimes cause games to fail to detect input.
    • Mitm Domain object ID management no longer desynchronizes from the host process.
    • An issue was fixed that could cause service acquisition to hang forever if certain sm commands were called in a precise order.
    • An off-by-one was fixed that could cause memory corruption in server memory management.
    • … and too many more bugs fixed to reasonably list them all :)
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.


Fonte & Download: https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere/releases