Nintendo Switch: Hekate V6.0.1 E Nyx V1.5.1 Disponíveis

Podcast NewsInside, siga e ouça mensalmente no Spotify:

Hekate & Nyx é um conjunto de ferramentas para o Nintendo Switch, incluindo um bootloader gráfico personalizado, um patcher de firmware e muito mais. Com ele, é possível iniciar a emuNAND, instalar Linux e Android no Switch, copiar e colar arquivos necessários e realizar manutenção completa do console.

hekate 6.0.0 (Inglês)
  • L4T Loader
    Mandatory for new L4T releases and especially for Mariko support.
    Coreboot is no more (Still supported until everything gets updated though).
  • R2P for Mariko. Will be used by L4T.
  • Auto HOS power off will blink 3 times on OLED panels now
    The previous method of slow fade out doesn’t work on OLED panels, so blink instead.
  • Changed battery enough limits
    Increased by 50-100mV. As always if you see the hekate battery empty icon, charge your switch, otherwise it can easily randomly shut off.
  • Various improvements/fixes
  • Hotfix 6.0.1 – L4T Loader:
  • Fixed an issue with some FW data not propagating on T210B01.
  • Fixed an issue with passing incorrect number of mtc tables on T210.

Nyx v1.5.0
  • Fixed an issue where UMS eMMC mount could hang
  • Added no border and colorized combo for launch options
    Icons must have the _hue_nobox.bmp suffix to enable that
  • Name the vendor of the new dram chips. Models still unknown.
  • Make all backup/restore options to always use 4 MB for BOOT0/1 partitions
    Adds better compatibility with custom eMMCs that have bigger boot partitions
  • Added 17 burnt fuses info missing from previous update
  • Added more SD vendors
  • Various improvements/fixes
  • 1.5.1: Fixed an issue where the transition from hekate logo to Nyx could be jarring on some LCD panels.
  • Various improvements/fixes

  • eMMC: add emmc_set_partition
  • UMS: fixed a use of stack without initialization issue
  • SDRAM: Renamed new chips
  • max77812: do not allow setting RAM1 regulator if not 211 phase
  • clocks: host1x is now managed by hw-init only and not display/VIC/TSEC
  • RTC: Added T210B01 R2P
  • BQ24193: Remove charger forced enable
    Any software that depends on that should properly manage the charger via the gpio instead of randomly disabling it
  • ini: ini_check_payload_section changed to ini_check_special_section to accommodate for l4t special key
  • Various improvements/fixes

Como Atualizar

Arraste e solte a pasta do bootloader na raiz da cartão SD e clique em mesclar/substituir. Não é necessário excluir essa pasta primeiro, especialmente se você deseja manter suas configurações e payloads. Você pode optar por atualizar seu dispositivo de injeção RCM ou PC com o novo hekate_ctcaer_x.x.x.bin ou não. De qualquer forma, o bootloader/update.bin será verificado e, se for mais recente, será carregado. update.bin é o hekate e já é copiado com o processo de arraste e solte da pasta do bootloader.”



[Nintendo Switch] Hekate v5.6.0 & Nyx v1.0.6

Siga o NewsInside Podcast no Spotify AQUI, novos episódios mensais, gravações ao vivo na Twitch

Hekate é o Bootloader gráfico personalizado do Nintendo Switch, patcher de firmware, ferramentas e muito mais.

Possuindo muitas funções, é com ele que fazemos o multi-boot para Switch original, CFW, Android e Ubuntu,tornando o aparelho praticamente um tablet multi funções.

Funções Padrão do Hekate & Nyx
  • Fully Configurable and Graphical with Touchscreen and Joycon input support
  • Launcher Style, Background and Color Themes
  • HOS (Switch OS) Bootloader — For CFW Sys/Emu, OFW Sys and Stock Sys
  • Android & Linux Bootloader
  • Payload Launcher
  • eMMC/emuMMC Backup/Restore Tools
  • SD Card Partition Manager — Prepares and formats SD Card for any combo of HOS (Sys/emuMMC), Android and Linux
  • emuMMC Creation & Manager — Can also migrate and fix existing emuMMC
  • Switch Android & Linux flasher
  • USB Mass Storage (UMS) for SD/eMMC/emuMMC — Converts Switch into a SD Card Reader
  • USB Gamepad — Converts Switch with Joycon into a USB HID Gamepad
  • Hardware and Peripherals info (SoC, Fuses, RAM, Display, Touch, eMMC, SD, Battery, PSU, Charger)
  • Many other tools like Archive Bit Fixer, Touch Calibration, SD/eMMC Benchmark, AutoRCM enabler and more

Com o Hekate v5.6.0 & Nyx v1.0.6 as mudanças são as seguintes:

Melhorias e Novos Recursos
  • Full support for Switch OLED (Aula)
    For basically Display, HW/Fuses, Dram, boot (will need HOS 13.0.0), etc, In case you are able to run it there.
    As for display, that’s subject to change on “how it works” if OLED panel mods for earlier Switch (Icosa/Iowa) appear.
  • Sept is now completely removed
    Boot process on Erista 7.0.0 and up is now completely overhauled
    It’s also now autonomous thanks to bundled new TSEC Keygen firmware by Atmosphere
  • Wrongly flashed pkg1 can now be identified and inform user
    Erista pkg1 on Mariko or Mariko pkg1 on Erista.
