[Nintendo Switch] DeepSea 4.2.0

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Provisoriamente, novos episódios no google podcast!

Seguindo a update de firmware do Nintendo Switch, temos algumas updates iniciais e acumuladas do DeepSea nas ultimas horas, com os seguintes changelog’s, lembrando que o DeepSea é apenas para Nintendo Switch Desbloqueado:

Melhorias DeepSea 4.2.0 (Inglês)

This is just a quick DeepSea update for updating atmosphere and adding back MissionControl.

  • DeepSea
    • Updated Atmosphere to 1.3.2
    • Added MissionControl




Estamos voltando aos poucos após o periodo de manutenção, tem coisas a remover COMO ESSE BANNER GIGANTE do adsense, que não foi requisitado, então sem medo, vamos removendo as coisas aos poucos assim como o podcast também COM NOVA EDIÇÃO NO ÁUDIO

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Mais uma atualização do CFW PSP / PSP Go / PS Vita, a ARK-4, desta vez com vários fixes e melhorias,as acumuladas ainda que não postamos;

Melhorias ARK-4 CFW (Inglês)

Versão: 3.1

  • Fixed exitgame
  • Added ARK version to custom launcher and recovery.

Versão: 4.1

  • Added Inferno Cache option to recovery menu.
  • Fixed incompatibilities between Inferno Cache and Highmem.

Versão: 4.2

  • Improved stability between the highmem, inferno cache and psp go pause features.

Versão: 4.3

Improved Inferno Cache on all models:

  • 32KB cache for PSP 1K.
  • 8MB cache for 2K and newer.
  • 4MB cache for Vita.

Versão: 4.3.4

  • Fixed DAX format games.
  • Fixed Prometheus-patched games in custom launcher.

Versão 4.3.5

  • Several bug fixes and improvements. Some more cleanup.
  • Updated Release.

Versão: 4.6

Fixed memory issues in VSH.

Versão: 4.15.6

Fixed memory issues in VSH.

Versão: 4.15

Fixed compatibility with leda plugin.

Versão: 4.16

  • Greatly improved Inferno read speeds.
  • Fixed bug that affected CSO (v1 and v2) and ZSO formats.
  • Added Old Plugin Support for PSP Go.
  • Added “launcher” runlevel to enable/disable plugins on the custom launcher.
  • Some cleanup and fixes.

Versão 4.16 Rev2

Fixed custom launcher for some of the new file formats (CSOv2, JSO, etc).

Para Download veja abaixo:


Para instalação:

Como Instalar PSP ARK-4

[Nintendo Switch] Atmosphere 1.3.0

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Atmosphère é um firmware personalizado em andamento para o Nintendo Switch.

Atmosphère consiste em vários componentes, cada um dos quais substitui/modifica um componente diferente do sistema:

  • Fusée: Carregador de primeiro estágio, responsável por carregar e validar o estágio 2 (TrustZone customizado) mais o pacote2 (Sistemas Kernel/FIRM), e corrigi-los conforme necessário. Isso substitui todas as funcionalidades normalmente no Package1loader/NX Bootloader.
  • Exosphère: TrustZone personalizado, para executar um monitor seguro personalizado
  • Thermosphère: suporte EL2 EmuNAND, ou seja, backup e uso de imagens NAND virtualizadas/redirecionadas
  • Stratosphère: Sysmodule(s) personalizado(s), tanto no estilo Rosalina para estender o kernel/fornecer novos recursos, quanto no estilo de reimplementação do carregador para capturar ações importantes do sistema
  • Troposphère: patches do Horizon OS em nível de aplicativo, usados para implementar recursos desejáveis do CFW

O Atmosphere foi atualizado para suportar a firmware 14.00, a nova firmware adiciona suporta a pastas, no que é dado nome de “Grupos”, pois a Nintendo quer ser a diferentona, como sempre.

As melhorias e adições do Atmosphere 1.3.0 são as seguintes:

Melhorias e Adições do Atmosphere 1.3.0 (Inglês)

1.3.0 is Atmosphère’s sixty-fourth official release. Who doesn’t love round numbers?

Please be sure to update fusee when upgrading to 1.3.0. fusee-primary no longer exists, and will not work any more.

Please note: Atmosphère 1.3.0 is currently in pre-release, and issues may be found that need to be fixed before full release.

  • If any bugs are reported while Atmosphère is in pre-release, they will be fixed and the build will be updated.
  • 1.3.0 will transition to release after a short amount of time has passed without pressing bug reports.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 1.3.0 is bundled with hbl 2.4.1, and hbmenu 3.5.0.

The following was changed since the last release:

Support was added for 14.0.0.

  • mesosphère was updated to reflect the latest official kernel behavior.
  • erpt was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
  • pm was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
  • fatal was updated to reflect the latest official behaviors.
  • The currently implemented/tested targets are Windows (x64), Linux (x64, arm64), macOS (x64, arm64).
    If you are a developer interested in adding support for another target, please reach out to SciresM#0524 on discord.
  • This is intended to finally allow sanely testing Atmosphère’s code, by allowing most of it to run on a PC (with access to a debugger) instead of on game console hardware.
  • In addition, this will allow making PC tools which reuse code written for Atmosphère directly..

Please Note: This has no relation to interacting with official software on PC whatsoever. This really allows for making tests and self-contained atmosphère-based command-line tools; the Atmosphère project continues to have zero interest in attempting to run official software of any kind.

  • In the course of adding this support (and working on tooling using it), a number of fairly major revisions were made to stratosphere (particularly surrounding filesystem code).
  • Please Note: A number of changes made for this (and ones necessary in the process of adding support for 14.0.0) are api-breaking.

If you’re a developer and any of this caused your code to break, please feel free to contact SciresM#0524 for help updating your program.

Para atualizar, verifique seu pacote atmosphere do switch ou baixe no link abaixo:


[Emulação] Retroarch v1.10.2

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RetroArch é o frontend de referência para a API do libretro.

Exemplos populares de implementações para esta API incluem emuladores de sistemas de videogame e mecanismos de jogos, bem como programas 3D mais generalizados.

Esses programas são instanciados como bibliotecas dinâmicas. Nós nos referimos a eles como “núcleos libretro”.

Melhorias e Adições Retroarch 1.10.2
  • 3DS: Add a menu toggle for switching between old and new 3DS speeds, located in the ‘Power Management’ menu. Enabled by default, hidden on old 3DS devices.
  • CHEEVOS: Update to rcheevos 10.3.3
  • CHEEVOS: Support for Arduboy
  • CHEEVOS: Fix tab sequences in rich presence being turned into t character
  • CHEEVOS: Fix overflow when parsing float value that has more than 9 digits after the decimal
  • CHEEVOS: Fix memory mapping when disconnect mask breaks a region into multiple blocks
  • CORES: Enable manual selection of which cores are displayed in the ‘Standalone Cores’ menu
  • DATABASE/EXPLORE: Added more categories to the Explore menu
  • INPUT/MAPPING: Add ‘Manage Remap Files’ submenu + automatically save input remaps when closing content
  • INPUT/MAPPING: Add ‘Reset Input Mapping’ option to ‘Manage Remap Files’ menu
  • INPUT/MAPPING: Fix keyboard device remap nulling
  • IOS/IOS13+: Support a toolbar that allows toggling of onscreen keyboard and touch mouse
  • LIBRETRO: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN fix – ensure core is properly unloaded when RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN is called
  • LIBRETRO: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN fix – ensure menu stack is properly flushed when RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN is called
  • LINUX/MALI FBDEV: Fix segfault switching video threaded from quickmenu
  • LOCALIZATION: Add Czech language support
  • MIYOO: Improve CPU architecture and model name identification for Miyoo
  • MENU/SETTINGS: Remove ‘Advanced Settings’ flag from ‘Settings > Core’ menu
  • MENU/MATERIALUI: Add ‘Gray Dark + Light’ themes
  • MENU/RGUI: Add 6×10 extended ASCII and Latin Extended A and B fonts. These will enable most Latin alphabets to be displayed in RGUI.
  • MENU/RGUI: Add ‘Gray Dark + Light’ themes
  • MENU/XMB: Add title margin adjustment
  • MENU/XMB: Vertical fade corrections
  • MENU/OZONE: The size of the thumbnail bar can now be changed though a new option (Settings->User interface->Appearance) up to double its normal size.
  • MENU/OZONE: Add ‘Gray Dark + Light’ themes
  • MENU/OZONE: Add thumbnail scale option
  • HOTKEYS: Added hotkey for toggling sync to exact content framerate
  • HOTKEYS: Prevent log spam when using rewind hotkey with cores that don’t support rewind, if rewind functionality itself is disabled
  • HOTKEYS: Add hotkey for toggling sync to exact content framerate
  • STEAM: Use native OSK (Onscreen Keyboard) instead of built-in RetroArch version
  • STEAM: New built-in core DLC downloader
  • STEAM: Swap OK/Cancel buttons by default
  • VIDEO/HDR: Removed redundant copy of buffer in HDR mode if the shader has already a HDR format i.e. R10G10B10A2 (updated Vulkan/D3D11/D3D12 drivers)
  • VIDEO/HDR: Fixed crash when using stock shader and HDR and previous optimisation
  • WAYLAND: Dynamically load libdecor at runtime
  • WAYLAND: Fix splash screen when using xdg_toplevel
  • WAYLAND: SHM anti-collision for the splash screen
  • WAYLAND: Skip splash screen if window is not ready
  • WII: Fix find_connection_entry(): needs unsigned int Otherwise the USB gamepad cannot be found, if VID/PID has leading zero. This issue happened with Retrode gamepad adapter
  • WII: Rework Retrode gamepad implementation to support multi_pad interface
  • WII: Fix – Unplugging and re-plugging now works again
  • WII: vWii- Only gamepad 1 is supported, because multi_pad is currently only relevant in the Wii U implementation
  • WIIU: Implemented the multi_pad interface according to input/connect/connect_wiiugca.c
  • WIIU: Add Optimize for Gamepad option


[Pokémon] PKHeX 22.03.18 (PokeHEX)

O Editor de salvamento da série principal de Pokémon, programado em C#, chamado de PKHeX (leia-se PokeHEX!), podendo editar save game de praticamente quase todos os jogos pokémon, incluindo um dos remakes, veja a lista abaixo:

  • Gen 1: Red, Blue and Yellow (Complete)
  • Gen 2: Gold, Silver and Crystal (Complete)
  • Gen 3: Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald (Complete)
  • Gen 4: Diamond, Pearl and Platinum (Complete)
  • Gen 5: Black, White, Black 2 and White 2 (Complete) 
  • Gen 6: X and Y (Incomplete)
  • Gen 7: Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (Incomplete) <name PPorg, at the start of the adventure>
  • Legends Arceus
Main Window


[PSP / PSP Go / PS Vita] Ark-4 CFW

Mais uma atualização do CFW PSP / PSP Go / PS Vita, a ARK-4, desta vez com vários fixes e melhorias:

Melhorias ARK-4 CFW (Inglês)
  • Fixed reboot runtime module on PSP.
  • Added fix for Team PRO’s Popsloader V3 on firmware 6.61.
  • Popsloader is now working with ARK!

Para desbloquear o seu PSP com ARK-4 siga o mini guia aqui e baixe o novo update do ARK-4:

Lembrando que o link de download acima é dinâmico, se houver alguma atualização do momento que este artigo for lançado até o dia que você estiver lendo isso, o link sempre será o mais atual.

[Emulação] PCSX2 v1.7.2466 {Pre-release}

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Mais uma build do PCSX2, desta vez na versão [Emulação] PCSX2 v1.7.2466 {Pre-release}, que inclui varias melhorias para jogos, sistema, qualidade de vida do emulador.

Para os mais curiosos de técnicos, caso queiram checar as mais de 200 build’s feitas no ultimo mês podem checar aqui

Caso queira aprender a configurar, usar e testar em seu PC, siga nosso Guia do PCSX2

Para baixar a build mais recente no link abaixo:


[Nintendo 3DS] Luma 3DS 10.3 – Após 2 Anos Sem Novidades

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Queridos amigos da rede NewsInside de homebrews, estamos chegando com a atualização que vai te surpreender.

As novidades e melhorias confira abaixo:

Melhorias Luma 3DS
  • Add more detailed battery percentage, plus battery voltage and temperature
  • Add an option to dump the DSP firmware from Home Menu, effectively making programs like DSP1 obsolete
  • Split NTP and user time offset nullification. This means two things:
    – Time changes are immmediately visible and you do not need to reboot your console after using the feature anymore (although Home Menu might not always immmediately display the new time — just open and close an application in that case)
    – Programs like ctr-no-timeoffset should not be needed anymore. Also, even if 3ds.hacks.guide recommends it and GodMode9 mandates it, time offset nullification should not be done
  • Also improve the precision of the NTP client implementation and fix a few bugs. It can be precise as +- 1ms (usually), although some of this precision is lost when rebooting
    Do not initialize the screens in the very common case the user has only one payload in the /luma/payloads folder, effectively working around a long-standing bug
  • Fix reading emuNAND sector 0 for RedNAND and Gateway-style emuNAND (#1687, @aspargas2)
  • Fix a few bugs in the cheat system (#1623, @s5bug)
  • Add ASCII View to Rosalina Process List (#1703, @George-lewis)
  • Allow using game-patching on Home Menu (#1634, @gabe565)
  • Wait for the user to release the B key when exiting the Rosalina menu. This should prevent games to think the B key has been pressed (#1701, suggestion from @Epicpkmn11)
  • gdb: properly handle software breakpoints
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience


[PSP / PSP Go / PS Vita] Ark-4 CFW

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Mais uma atualização do CFW PSP / PSP Go / PS Vita, a ARK-4, desta vez com vários fixes:

Melhorias ARK-4 CFW (Inglês)
  • Fixed per-game plugins on UMDs, allow highmem on retail games for PRO…
  • Some fixes and improvements. Improved VSHControl DAX/JISO reader.
  • Added missing SystemControl exports from M33.
  • Added JISO file support (.jso) Added DAX and JISO support.
  • Improved core compatibility. Several improvements and bugfixes. DAX decompression is now done by sceKernelDeflateDecompress.
  • Small improvement to VSH DAX reader. Changed vshcontrol memory management for dax blocks.

Para desbloquear o seu PSP com ARK-4 siga o mini guia aqui e baixe o novo update do ARK-4:

Lembrando que o link de download acima é dinâmico, se houver alguma atualização do momento que este artigo for lançado até o dia que você estiver lendo isso, o link sempre será o mais atual.

[Playstation 4] GoldHen Cheats Manager {beta}

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GoldHen Cheats Manager {beta}.Como mostrado na postagem anterior, com a chegada do GoldHEN não apenas como um ”ativador do destravamento” para o PS4.

Mas também como uma ferramenta, sendo a mais nova um banco de dados de cheats (offline) para os jogos.

Agora o time do GoldHEN chega com esse PKG que atualizará o banco de dados de cheats, bom para quem não tem um PC, caso contrario do Cheat Updater, que é necessário um PC.

A base de dados por hora é limitada, online updater está desativado, mas já pode baixar o primeiro set de cheats da internet para o console.

