[Nintendo Switch] Hekate v5.6.0 & Nyx v1.0.6

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Hekate é o Bootloader gráfico personalizado do Nintendo Switch, patcher de firmware, ferramentas e muito mais.

Possuindo muitas funções, é com ele que fazemos o multi-boot para Switch original, CFW, Android e Ubuntu,tornando o aparelho praticamente um tablet multi funções.

Funções Padrão do Hekate & Nyx
  • Fully Configurable and Graphical with Touchscreen and Joycon input support
  • Launcher Style, Background and Color Themes
  • HOS (Switch OS) Bootloader — For CFW Sys/Emu, OFW Sys and Stock Sys
  • Android & Linux Bootloader
  • Payload Launcher
  • eMMC/emuMMC Backup/Restore Tools
  • SD Card Partition Manager — Prepares and formats SD Card for any combo of HOS (Sys/emuMMC), Android and Linux
  • emuMMC Creation & Manager — Can also migrate and fix existing emuMMC
  • Switch Android & Linux flasher
  • USB Mass Storage (UMS) for SD/eMMC/emuMMC — Converts Switch into a SD Card Reader
  • USB Gamepad — Converts Switch with Joycon into a USB HID Gamepad
  • Hardware and Peripherals info (SoC, Fuses, RAM, Display, Touch, eMMC, SD, Battery, PSU, Charger)
  • Many other tools like Archive Bit Fixer, Touch Calibration, SD/eMMC Benchmark, AutoRCM enabler and more

Com o Hekate v5.6.0 & Nyx v1.0.6 as mudanças são as seguintes:

Melhorias e Novos Recursos
  • Full support for Switch OLED (Aula)
    For basically Display, HW/Fuses, Dram, boot (will need HOS 13.0.0), etc, In case you are able to run it there.
    As for display, that’s subject to change on “how it works” if OLED panel mods for earlier Switch (Icosa/Iowa) appear.
  • Sept is now completely removed
    Boot process on Erista 7.0.0 and up is now completely overhauled
    It’s also now autonomous thanks to bundled new TSEC Keygen firmware by Atmosphere
  • Wrongly flashed pkg1 can now be identified and inform user
    Erista pkg1 on Mariko or Mariko pkg1 on Erista.


[Nintendo Switch] Hekate 5.5.8 + NYX 1.0.5

trazendo a cobertura completa dos homebrews de switch que estão atualizando devido a nova firmware e CFW juntamente dando suporte a esta OFW nova, todos os homebrews ativos começam a se atualizar.

Para os desinformados, curiosos e pesquisadores de plantão o Hekate é um Bootloader gráfico (como se fosse o F8 do Windows) personalizado do Nintendo Switch, patcher de firmware, ferramentas e muito mais.


HOS 12.1.0 Support
This uses a new mkey. New Sept will need to run at least once on Erista models.

Added support for Sandisk eMMC device health report parsing for modded switches.

Supports Sandisk/Western Digital iNand 72XX, 73XX, 75XX from 16GB to 256GB. Added proper error messages when restore folder is empty Added missing old touch firmware version info

Added support for Sandisk eMMC device health report for modded switches.

podemos fazer instalações de sistemas Android,Linux entre outros.


[Nintendo Switch] Atualização Hekate 5.5.4

Mais uma semana e mais uma atualização desta vez para o Hekate do Nintendo Switch, versão 5.5.4, para quem não entende o que é o Hekate:

Hekate é uma ferramenta multiúso que, entre outras coisas, permite que você inicialize entre múltiplas configurações em seu Nintendo Switch. Em essência, ele permite que você escolha entre o firmware personalizado de sua escolha ou o firmware oficial e oferece suporte a patches e partições múltiplas.


– Better user reporting for Mariko Warmboot Storage (MWS) with missing firmware

In case warmboot firmware was not found in MWS cache in SD, it will now notify user that sleep mode will be disabled if continue booting is selected.

EKS for Erista now automatically upgrades itself, in order to fix issues with normal vs r2p paths when it was created with old hekate.

Main BCT is now checked for improper values before running Sept in Erista
Before, launching Sept in such cases (improper BCT) it would make it black screen.

Now an error will show up that instructs user to run sept with proper BCT at least once, in order to cache keys in EKS.

FatFS now supports simple GPT

In case you mangled your Hybrid MBR, this will allow you to launch Nyx if FAT partition is the first one.

SDSC cards (<= 2GB) are now supported

Many other bug fixes and improvements

Download: Hekate 5.5.4
Github do autor: CTCaer