[Nintendo DS/3DS] Twilight Menu++ v24.9.0

TWiLight Menu++ é uma atualização/substituição do menu DSi de código aberto para os flashcards Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3DS e Nintendo DS. Pode abrir jogos de Nintendo DS(i), SNES, NES, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Sega GameGear/Master System/SG-1000 & Mega Drive/Genesis, Atari 2600/5200/7800/XEGS, Intellivision, Neo Geo Pocket , Sord M5, PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, WonderSwan e ROMs ColecoVision, bem como plugins DSTWO (se você usar um DSTWO).

Melhorias no Twilight Menu++

What’s new?

  • Added AP-fixes for Pokemon HeartGold & SoulSilver (Latin Spanish translation).
  • When detecting rumble, it no longer checks for TIDs of GBA games, in order for custom GBA carts with rumble to work as well.
  • Updated ESRB game list to add more games. (c0645f6)
  • The External FIRMs and modules setting in Luma config is now checked before rebooting to widescreen.
    • Make sure Luma is on v11 or later for this to work.
  • The brightness can now be changed in the DS Classic Menu on DS lite consoles!


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a long-standing bug where sleep mode would not work and/or cause a crash (with a glitched top screen) after exiting.
    • This is achieved by implementing a custom sleep mode handler, as the one in libnds is bugged.
  • Fixed another long-standing bug where a certain area of RAM gets cleared while using Memory Pit.
    • This allows the complete font set to be loaded without issues in Memory Pit.
  • @lifehackerhansol: The flashcard kernel (Wood, in this case) now uses the correct save file extension (being .sav instead of .nds.sav).
  • The brightness level on DS lite no longer self-changes while using the flashcard kernel (Wood, in this case) to run games!
  • Fixed AP warning not shown for Mario & Luigi RPG: Siganui Partner (Korea), if AP-fix doesn’t exist.
  • DSi-based themes: Fixed crash when opening per-game settings for a DS(i) ROM with no icon.
  • Fixed TWLMenu++ not starting via hiyaCFW, by having Unlaunch start it instead.

O nds-bootstrap é um aplicativo de código aberto que permite que ROMs e homebrews do Nintendo DS/DSi sejam utilizados nativamente em vez de usar um emulador. nds-bootstrap funciona em cartões SD Nintendo DSi/3DS através de CFW e em Nintendo DS através de flashcards.

Melhorias no Bootstrap v0.58.0

What’s new?

  • @Epicpkmn11: Brightness and volume adjust options have been added to the in-game menu!
    • Only DSi has both, 3DS only has volume and DS (Lite) only have brightness.
  • When detecting rumble for DSiWare titles, it no longer checks for TIDs of GBA games, in order for custom GBA carts with rumble to work as well.

What’s new?/Bug fixes

  • For all you Smash fans out there, and/or if you’re looking for a good homebrew game to play, Super Smash Bros. Crash is now playable!
    • This also means that old loaders such as DSi4DS will now work properly as well.
  • Most homebrew before 2009/2010 (such as SSBC, MegaETk, etc.) will now work properly in DSiWarehax!


  • Patch offsets are now cached for homebrew!
    • This makes homebrew boot faster after the first boot, though it may depend on the homebrew.
  • @Epicpkmn11 and various: Updated translations.

Bug fixes

  • The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords: Anniversary Edition and Phantasy Star 0 Mini now boot with Memory Pit!
  • Card read DMA is now automatically turned off when wireless/WiFi operations are occurring.
    • While this should fix connection interruptions, it may not fix some of them.

Known bugs

  • Background music in Super Smash Bros. Crash does not play while running via DSiWarehax.
  • Loaders such as DSi4DS do not work properly with RAM disks.


[Nintendo 3DS] Luma3DS 11.0

Após 2 anos sem lançamentos, esse é o segundo release da CFW para Nintendo 3DS, o famoso Luma3DS volta com uma serie de atualizações das quais deixam suas opções mais abertas para configurações serem feitas fora do console caso seja necessario, como mudar o options.bin para arquivo de texto options.ini

  • Migrate the configuration to INI format (config.bin becomes config.ini)
    • This means that configuration is now human-readable, and makes situations like wanting to modify Rosalina’s combo without opening its menu much easier to resolve
    • The following options have been removed from the config menu and moved to be exclusively in the INI file:
      • “Splash duration”: this is because it can now be configured to take any 32-bit value (default: 3 seconds)
      • “Set developer UNITINFO”,
      • “Disable Arm11 exception handlers”
      • “Enable Rosalina on SAFE_FIRM”
    • “Show NAND or user string in System Settings” is now enabled by default, when auto-generating a blank configuration file
  • Essential system files (bootROMs, OTP, HWCAL, LCFS, SecureInfo) are now automically backed up to /luma/backups (upon upgrading Luma3DS, if not already present at that location)
  • Upon upgrading Luma3DS, boot.firm is now automatically copied to the root of the CTRNAND partition
  • Restore extended-remote support (this was broken with recent versions of GDB). Breaking change: use attach <PID+1> (e.g 1 for fs) to attach to a process, as GDB doesn’t support PID 0.
  • Add option to toggle card slot (#1202)
  • Screen filters can now be saved to config.ini and restored at boot (you need to go to “Miscellaneous options > Save settings”). You can now even manually edit config.ini to use custom values for those (within the 1000 to 25100K range)
  • NTP timezone can also now be saved to config.ini; also fix a bug where some timezones would not be reachable
  • Fix a long-standing issue where some system calls took longer than they should, causing lags in some situations (thanks @PabloMK7)
  • Fix calculation of displayed battery voltage (thanks nocash)
  • Fix system version 11.14 not booting
  • Allow out-of-region Download Play functionality (thanks @Pixel-Pop)
  • Fix a rare issue where the Rosalina Menu wouldn’t be displayed during application launch (thanks @Nanquitas)
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience

Se já possui alguma versão do Luma3ds, atualize pelo proprio console, caso ainda não tenha feito o desbloqueio do console, use este guia (vá em nintendo > 3DS > BrowserHAX).


[Nintendo 3DS] Luma 3DS 10.3 – Após 2 Anos Sem Novidades

Siga o Podcast do NewsInside

Queridos amigos da rede NewsInside de homebrews, estamos chegando com a atualização que vai te surpreender.

As novidades e melhorias confira abaixo:

Melhorias Luma 3DS
  • Add more detailed battery percentage, plus battery voltage and temperature
  • Add an option to dump the DSP firmware from Home Menu, effectively making programs like DSP1 obsolete
  • Split NTP and user time offset nullification. This means two things:
    – Time changes are immmediately visible and you do not need to reboot your console after using the feature anymore (although Home Menu might not always immmediately display the new time — just open and close an application in that case)
    – Programs like ctr-no-timeoffset should not be needed anymore. Also, even if 3ds.hacks.guide recommends it and GodMode9 mandates it, time offset nullification should not be done
  • Also improve the precision of the NTP client implementation and fix a few bugs. It can be precise as +- 1ms (usually), although some of this precision is lost when rebooting
    Do not initialize the screens in the very common case the user has only one payload in the /luma/payloads folder, effectively working around a long-standing bug
  • Fix reading emuNAND sector 0 for RedNAND and Gateway-style emuNAND (#1687, @aspargas2)
  • Fix a few bugs in the cheat system (#1623, @s5bug)
  • Add ASCII View to Rosalina Process List (#1703, @George-lewis)
  • Allow using game-patching on Home Menu (#1634, @gabe565)
  • Wait for the user to release the B key when exiting the Rosalina menu. This should prevent games to think the B key has been pressed (#1701, suggestion from @Epicpkmn11)
  • gdb: properly handle software breakpoints
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience


TWilightMenu Saiba o que é, como funciona e como usar!

Revisado por R.

TWiLight Menu ++ (ou TWL Menu++) é uma atualização/substituição do Menu DSi de código aberto para o Nintendo DS (e seus flashcards) e Nintendo 3DS. Com ele você pode abrir jogos de Nintendo DS, SNES, NES, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Sega GameGear, Master System e Mega Drive/Genesis ROMs, bem como plugins DSTWO (se você usar um DSTWO) e pequenos vídeos.

Como funciona e Usar

Você precisa apenas de poucos passos para começar a usar, é bem fácil de se fazer, caso ainda não tenha desbloquear o seu Nintendo DSi, pode seguir o nosso guia AQUI e para o Nintendo 3DS veja AQUI

Nintendo DSi

  • Baixe o TWiLightMenu-DSi.7z mais recente;
  • Extraia TWiLightMenu-DSi.7z;
  • Copie a pasta _nds para a raiz do cartão SD;
  • Copie o arquivo BOOT.NDS para a raiz do cartão SD;
  • Copie a pasta roms para a raiz do cartão SD;
  • Usuários da hiyaCFW: Copie a pasta do título para a raiz do cartão SD.

Nintendo 3DS

Com a câmera:

  • Abra o FBI e selecione Instalação remota e, em seguida, digitalize o código QR;
  • Leia este código QR para instalar a versão mais recente do Universal-Updater:
Universal-Updater QR code
  • Feche o FBI e inicie o Universal-Updater;
  • Caso não apareça no menu inicial: Reinicie o 3DS, encontre TWiLight Menu ++ na grade do aplicativo (você pode pesquisar com a terceira guia na barra lateral se tiver problemas para encontrá-lo);
  • Pressione A ou toque no ícone de download na barra lateral e selecione TWiLight Menu ++ para instalá-lo. Isso vai demorar um pouco.

Sem Câmera:

Baixe o Universal-Updater.cia mais recente

  • Coloque o arquivo Universal-Updater.cia em qualquer lugar do seu cartão SD;
  • Inicie o FBI em seu Nintendo 3DS;
  • No FBI, vá para o local onde você colou o arquivo Universal-Updater.cia;
  • Selecione o arquivo Universal-Updater.cia e clique em “Instalar e Excluir”;
  • Feche o FBI e inicie o Universal-Updater;
  • Se não aparecer no menu inicial, reinicie o 3DS;
  • Encontre TWiLight Menu ++ na grade do aplicativo ( você pode pesquisar com a terceira guia na barra lateral se tiver problemas para encontrá-lo);
  • Pressione A ou toque no ícone de download na barra lateral e selecione TWiLight Menu ++ para instalá-lo. Isso vai demorar um pouco.


  • Baixe o TWiLightMenu-3DS.7z mais recente;
  • Extraia TWiLightMenu-3DS.7z;
  • Copie a pasta _nds para a raiz do cartão SD;
  • Copie o arquivo BOOT.NDS para a raiz do cartão SD;
  • Copie a pasta roms para a raiz do cartão SD;
  • Copie os dois arquivos .cia para a raiz do cartão SD;
  • Em seu 3DS, instale os dois CIAs com o FBI;
  • Para baixar a última versão do TWilight Menu++, clique no link abaixo:

Para baixar a última versão do TWilight Menu++, clique no link abaixo:
