CFW novo, atualizado, melhorado e moderno para PSP e ePSP do PS Vita. Simples de usar e cheio de recursos exclusivos, o ARK CFW visa manter a experiência do PSP atualizada. ARK é agora o CFW mais completo para o PSP, tendo todos os recursos do PRO e ME, bem como novos recursos únicos e exclusivos não encontrados em nenhum outro lugar!
Version 4.18.14
- Added support for PS Vita firmwares 3.65 up to 3.74 included.
- Some cleanup and fixes.
Note: if you wish to use an older version of ARK-4 in 3.65+ you can simply use the K.BIN provided in this release’s VitaBubble folder with the savedata from the older version.
Version 4.18.13 Rev 2
- Added new files EXIT.PNG and PLUGINS.PNG to the theme.
- Renamed theme file from DATA.PKG to THEME.ARK for more readability.
- Renamed custom launcher from MENU.PBP to VBOOT.PBP for better compatibility with ARK-2 launchers.
- Renamed PS1 custom launcher from XMENU.PBP to XBOOT.PBP for standarization.
- New themes are now packed into the release. Credits to TheSubPlayer for MaterialDark theme.
- Fixed bug where autoboot launcher would not work with skip sony logos (#47).
- You can now run Infinity (and any other updater) from custom launcher or recovery menu, either game or browser apps (#48).
Version 4.18.12 Rev 3
- Fixed issue where plugins wouldn’t load on certain games (#38), DLC and game sharing. For game-specific plugins too.
- Cleanup and fix cpu clock code.
- Fixed plugins manager window size when very few plugins are installed.
Version 4.18.11
- Added patch to hide CFW folders in retail games.
- Extra memory is now automatically unlocked for homebrews that are compatible.
- Fixed bug in Inferno Driver.
Version 4.18.10 Rev 2
- Implemented Sorting by Name in Custom Launcher (#42)
- Implemented automatic game loading (#44)
- Fixes and improvements to Inferno driver.
- Added option to hide Recovery Menu entry in custom launcher.
- Other fixes and improvements to custom launcher (i.e scrollbar).
Version 4.18.9 Rev 2
- Fixed overclock and powersave options not actually working (PSP).
- Fixed games crashing when inferno cache was disabled.
- Some other fixes and improvements in custom launcher.
Version 4.18.8 Rev 3
- Added “Skip Sony Logos” feature in recovery menu.
- Improved Inferno CSO reads.
- Reduced Inferno memory consumption by 14KB without affecting performance.
- Visual improvements in the custom launcher and recovery menu.
Version 4.18.7
- Improved custom launcher transitions between screen.
- Several other improvements and bug fixes.