[PSP / PSP Go / PS Vita] Ark-4 CFW: 4.18.1 – 4.18.3 – 4.18.5 – 4.18.6

CFW novo, atualizado, melhorado e moderno para PSP e ePSP do PS Vita. Simples de usar e cheio de recursos exclusivos, o ARK CFW visa manter a experiência do PSP atualizada. ARK é agora o CFW mais completo para o PSP, tendo todos os recursos do PRO e ME, bem como novos recursos únicos e exclusivos não encontrados em nenhum outro lugar!

Version 4.18.1 (inglês)
  • Improved file browser design (#37).
  • Experimental improvements to Inferno driver.
  • Fixed MacroFire plugin.
  • Fixed DayViewer plugin.

Version 4.18.3 (inglês)
  • You can now scan categorized items on the custom launcher, useful for user of GCL plugin (#19).
  • You can now mount and playback UMD Video ISOs via the file browser in custom launcher or recovery menu. You can’t use this feature if autoboot launcher is enabled since playback is handled by the XMB.

Version 4.18.5 (inglês)
  • Added support for DTP-T1000 development kits.
  • Fixed “Old Plugin Support on PSP Go”
  • Fixed issue in ARK Loader.
  • Added “UMD Region Free” option to recovery menu, experimental.
  • Fixed the way REBOOT.BIN file is used. It is now not needed to have, but can be used to replace ARK’s rebootex easily.
  • Several other fixes and improvements.

Credits go to meetpatty for adding DTP-T1000 support as well as other bugfixes and provements.

Version 4.18.6 (inglês)
  • You can now change the region of your UMD drive on demand via the recovery menu without having to permanently modify the flash. Allows playback of region locked UMD movies. Wait a few seconds after the XMB has loaded for the patch to be applied, then insert the UMD disc.
  • NOTE: region change patch might only work on 1K and 2K models, though some 3K models are known to work too.