
[Pokémon] PKHeX 22.12.01(PokeHEX) – Suporte ao Scarlet & Violet

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Os dados são exibidos em uma visualização que pode ser editada e salva. A interface pode ser traduzida com arquivos de texto de recursos/externos para que diferentes idiomas possam ser suportados.

Conjuntos de Pokémon Showdown e códigos QR podem ser importados/exportados para ajudar no compartilhamento.

O PKHeX espera salvar arquivos que não sejam criptografados com chaves específicas do console. Use um gerenciador de savedata para importar e exportar savedata do console (Checkpoint, save_manager, JKSM ou SaveDataFiler).

Suporta os seguintes arquivos:

  • Salvar arquivos(“principal”, *.sav, *.dsv, *.dat, *.gci, .bin)
  • Arquivos de cartão de memória GameCube (.raw, .bin) contendo savegames de Pokémon GC.
  • Arquivos de entidade Pokémon individuais (.pk, *.ck3, *.xk3, *.pb7, *.sk2, .bk4)
  • Arquivos de presente misterioso (.pgt, *.pcd, *.pgf, .wc) incluindo conversão para .pk
  • Importando entidades do GO Park (*.gp1) incluindo conversão para .pb7
  • Importando equipes de vídeos de batalha 3DS descriptografados
  • Transferindo de uma geração para outra, convertendo formatos ao longo do caminho.
Melhorias PkHEX 22.12.01 (Inglês)
  • Added support for Scarlet & Violet 1.1.0.
  • Legality:
    • Fixed: Gen9 banned species list updated.
    • Fixed: Gen9 TR flags now check pre-evolutions if the current evolution does not have a required move flag.
    • Fixed: Ability patch reverting check updated to account for single-evolution-chain cases.
  • Fixed: Showdown Set imports without a Tera Type will default to the species’ first type.
  • Fixed: WC9 now generates with correct SID7. Thanks @Manu098vm !
  • Fixed: Associating a pk9 file to PKHeX.exe now starts up properly.
  • Fixed: Form argument suggestion for Mankey & Pawniard, when evolved to max evo stage, added.
  • Changed: Updated translation files. Thanks @easyworld, @Yarkis01
Melhorias PkHEX 22/22/26 (Inglês)
  • Legality:
    • Fixed: Encounter->PK9 small fixes added.
    • Added: Distribution Raids (Eevee) now recognized.
    • Fixed: Hidden Ability patch checks now behave correctly.
    • Fixed: Minor tweaks to tera type and encounter recognition.
    • Fixed: Gen8 technical records are checked correctly again.
    • Fixed: Maushold / Dudunsparce %100 evolution calc fixed (From %25).
    • Fixed: Gen9 obededience level for gift box legends now checked correctly (nonzero).
    • Still Pending: Wandering/Crossover encounter locations & marks (next release!)
  • Added: Form Argument now has a label if the Form combobox is not being shown.
  • Added: Cheat button to unlock all fly locations, and collect all stakes (sublegendary event). Thanks @sora10pls!
  • Fixed: Gen9 raid seeds can now be correctly set via the GUI.
  • Fixed: Gen9 xyz coordinates now read/write correctly instead of swapping y/z coordinates. Thanks @ih8ih8sn0w !
  • Fixed: Gen9 Pokédex set now applies seen forms, and the Seen All / Caught / Complete cheats now behave as intended for all entries.
  • Changed: Updated translation files. Thanks @easyworld, @Manu098vm, @Kitcham, @egzn !
Melhorias PkHEX 22/11/24 (Inglês)

22/11/24 – New Update:
 – Introducing Scarlet & Violet Support! Thanks @SciresM, @sora10pls, @Lusamine!
 – – Initial Legality Checking is provided. Please refer to the forums when reporting legality issues for SV parsing.
 – – Save Data is similar to SW/SH; a pokedex, trainer, inventory, Raid, and block data editor are provided.
 – – Encounter legality has been reverse engineered & modeled to pre-compute possible met locations for overworld interactables.
 – Added:
 – – Gen9 SV wild encounters are now generated with RNG patterns matching the game. Thanks @Lusamine !
 – – Gen9 SV zone unlock cheat to fly to all locations. Thanks @sora10pls !
 – – Gen9 Tera Type is indicated on the Stats page as well as mini sprite previews. Clicking the Original label will toggle the original type.
 – – Gen9 Obedience Level tracks the level the entity arrived with the current handler.
 – – Gen4 Ranch support extended. Thanks @Zazsona !
 – – Ribbon Editor now sorts and highlights valid ribbons that can be applied.
 – Changed:
 – – Gen3/4 LCRNG reversal algorithms improved (50x faster!). Thanks @StarfBerry (Parzival)!
 – – Display precision of Height/Weight float values now shows a round-trip equal value instead of potentially truncating decimals.
 – – Clicking stat labels now changes nature amplification. Refer to the shortcut list for more info.
 – – Settings window can now be resized.
 – – Gen3 mGBA saves with new RTC footer now are recognized correctly. Thanks @Bl4ckSh4rk !
 – Fixed:
 – – Too many things to list! Thanks everyone who has highlighted issues / contributed fixes in the past 2.5 months!