[Pokémon] PKHeX 22.06.26 (PokeHEX)

Os dados são exibidos em uma visualização que pode ser editada e salva. A interface pode ser traduzida com arquivos de texto de recursos/externos para que diferentes idiomas possam ser suportados.

Conjuntos de Pokémon Showdown e códigos QR podem ser importados/exportados para ajudar no compartilhamento.

O PKHeX espera salvar arquivos que não sejam criptografados com chaves específicas do console. Use um gerenciador de savedata para importar e exportar savedata do console (Checkpoint, save_manager, JKSM ou SaveDataFiler).

Suporta os seguintes arquivos:

  • Salvar arquivos(“principal”, *.sav, *.dsv, *.dat, *.gci, .bin)
  • Arquivos de cartão de memória GameCube (.raw, .bin) contendo savegames de Pokémon GC.
  • Arquivos de entidade Pokémon individuais (.pk, *.ck3, *.xk3, *.pb7, *.sk2, .bk4)
  • Arquivos de presente misterioso (.pgt, *.pcd, *.pgf, .wc) incluindo conversão para .pk
  • Importando entidades do GO Park (*.gp1) incluindo conversão para .pb7
  • Importando equipes de vídeos de batalha 3DS descriptografados
  • Transferindo de uma geração para outra, convertendo formatos ao longo do caminho.
Melhorias do PokeHEX em 26/06/2022
  • Legality:
    • Added: Current Handler legality for the save file is now checked. Having incorrect Handling Trainer data will be flagged.
    • Added: Marking legality now flags illegal marking values that can cause crashes in all Gen8 games (not yet patched).
    • Fixed: HOME transfer legality checks improved; now checks for unobtainable cross-transfer ribbons & contest stats.
    • Fixed: Shared egg moves for HOME transfers now checks the current format rather than the source where it originated from.
    • Fixed: Gen8 Mystery Gifts with restricted language / HOME gifts are now correctly recognized.
    • Fixed: Gen8 BDSP Great Marsh transfers to SWSH now are correctly recognized (ball).
    • Fixed: Contest Stat Sheen legality checks relaxed; really bad poffins are bad. Thanks @Atrius97 & @Lusamine !
  • Added: Gen7 can now use the Heal box action (to fix PP / status / etc).
  • Added: Gen2 Crystal now has more GB Mobile Cable Color values to use.
  • Added: Gen6/7 encrypted PKM files can now drag correctly.
  • Added: Gen4 now shows all roamers in the Block editing interface. Thanks @ShadyRelapse-PP & @sora10pls!
  • Added: BizHawk “SaveRAM” files now recognized similar to DeSmuME “dsv” save files with an appended footer region.
  • Fixed: Gen8 PLA Initial mastery move flags are now correctly applied for varied level wild encounters when created from the database.
  • Fixed: Gen8 Mystery Gifts now show up correctly in the Mystery Gift Database (filtering was inverted).
  • Fixed: Gen8 PK8/PB8 type differentiation enhanced; dragged files no longer misidentify as the game-format they were encounterd in.
  • Fixed: Gen8 Dynamax Level being >10 now corrects itself when loading to the PKM Editor rather than erroring.
  • Fixed: Gen5 Entree Forest now saves correctly. Thanks @Mutty99 !
  • Fixed: Gen4->Gen5 transferring with HM moves now correctly removes the HM move.
  • Fixed: ShowdownSet no longer yields empty move slots when creating a new text string (regression in last release).
  • Fixed: PKM Database IV/EV filtering now returns the correct results (filtering was inverted). Thanks skai_louie !
  • Fixed: Non-plugin dll’s in the plugin folder will be ignored rather than stopping other plugins from loading.
  • Changed: German translation improved (GUI+Legality). Thanks @Bl4ckSh4rk !
