[Playstation 3] Webman MOD 1.47.36

Mais um update para o Webman MOD!
O anterior já funcionava normalmente no HEN e CFW 4.88… mas para adicionais, mais features e melhorias… Tio Aldos chegou com a versão 1.47.36!

Segue o changelog:

🎱 Added support for 4.88 HEN/CFW (CFW 4.75 and above are also supported)

🚫 Sign In to PSN now is blocked until CFW syscalls are disabled using R2+🔺 (Mod by @DeViL303) [FIXED] 🆕

🎮 PSP Launchers now are blocked until PSPISO is mounted (requested by @DEX357)

💿 Auto-patch PS2 SOCOM games blacklisted in game_ext_plugin (thanks to @agrippa)

💕 Reduced redundant game listing (external games also found in hdd0 are not longer listed)

🚀 Cumulative update (includes over 89 commits to the suite of tools after 1.47.35)