hekate & Nyx

Nintendo Switch: Hekate V6.0.1 E Nyx V1.5.1 Disponíveis

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Hekate & Nyx é um conjunto de ferramentas para o Nintendo Switch, incluindo um bootloader gráfico personalizado, um patcher de firmware e muito mais. Com ele, é possível iniciar a emuNAND, instalar Linux e Android no Switch, copiar e colar arquivos necessários e realizar manutenção completa do console.

hekate 6.0.0 (Inglês)
  • L4T Loader
    Mandatory for new L4T releases and especially for Mariko support.
    Coreboot is no more (Still supported until everything gets updated though).
  • R2P for Mariko. Will be used by L4T.
  • Auto HOS power off will blink 3 times on OLED panels now
    The previous method of slow fade out doesn’t work on OLED panels, so blink instead.
  • Changed battery enough limits
    Increased by 50-100mV. As always if you see the hekate battery empty icon, charge your switch, otherwise it can easily randomly shut off.
  • Various improvements/fixes
  • Hotfix 6.0.1 – L4T Loader:
  • Fixed an issue with some FW data not propagating on T210B01.
  • Fixed an issue with passing incorrect number of mtc tables on T210.

Nyx v1.5.0
  • Fixed an issue where UMS eMMC mount could hang
  • Added no border and colorized combo for launch options
    Icons must have the _hue_nobox.bmp suffix to enable that
  • Name the vendor of the new dram chips. Models still unknown.
  • Make all backup/restore options to always use 4 MB for BOOT0/1 partitions
    Adds better compatibility with custom eMMCs that have bigger boot partitions
  • Added 17 burnt fuses info missing from previous update
  • Added more SD vendors
  • Various improvements/fixes
  • 1.5.1: Fixed an issue where the transition from hekate logo to Nyx could be jarring on some LCD panels.
  • Various improvements/fixes

  • eMMC: add emmc_set_partition
  • UMS: fixed a use of stack without initialization issue
  • SDRAM: Renamed new chips
  • max77812: do not allow setting RAM1 regulator if not 211 phase
  • clocks: host1x is now managed by hw-init only and not display/VIC/TSEC
  • RTC: Added T210B01 R2P
  • BQ24193: Remove charger forced enable
    Any software that depends on that should properly manage the charger via the gpio instead of randomly disabling it
  • ini: ini_check_payload_section changed to ini_check_special_section to accommodate for l4t special key
  • Various improvements/fixes

Como Atualizar

Arraste e solte a pasta do bootloader na raiz da cartão SD e clique em mesclar/substituir. Não é necessário excluir essa pasta primeiro, especialmente se você deseja manter suas configurações e payloads. Você pode optar por atualizar seu dispositivo de injeção RCM ou PC com o novo hekate_ctcaer_x.x.x.bin ou não. De qualquer forma, o bootloader/update.bin será verificado e, se for mais recente, será carregado. update.bin é o hekate e já é copiado com o processo de arraste e solte da pasta do bootloader.”
