E olha só uma boa novidade para quem curte jogos Old School e tem um Playstation 3. Um port do emulador Final Burn Alpha de PC foi desenvolvido para o PS3 e permite a execução de jogos de CPS/1/2/3, Neo Geo, System16/18 e enfim, todos os jogos que o FBA de PC já roda :P
O port leva o sufixo RL pois foi extraído do famoso RetroArch, uma espécie de frontend de emuladores para o Playstation 3. Para quem prefere ter os emuladores todos separados, o FB Alpha RL foi criado e traz um menu específico para ele, além de diversas outras novidades.

- /dev_hdd0/game/ROMS00000/USRDIR
- /dev_hdd0/game/ROMS00000/USRDIR/fba
- /dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/cores/roms
- /dev_*/roms
- /dev_*/roms/fba
Onde os “dev_*” é praticamente “qualquer coisa de armazenamento que o PS3 lê”. Apesar da facilidade, recomendo organizar os arquivos em alguma pasta (por exemplo a /roms/fba) para evitar ~bagunça~.
No mais, download do PKG no link no final do post. Maiores (diversas outras na verdade) informações sobre o release podem ser encontrada no PSX-Scene.
Tio, baixei isso semana passada e já tinha a versão 1.01a.
1.01 (February 15, 2013)
– Added information text display for selected options.
– Added ROMs path directory browser.
– Added Input Preset CFG file browser.
– Added confirmation dialog when exiting FB Alpha RL.
– Added feature to display Missing Games.
– Added Game List Cache feature to avoid having to rescan
ROMs every time FB Alpha RL is launched.
– Added option to use alternate key combo to access
RetroArch core menu, Main Menu(SELECT + TRIANGLE) and In-Game Menu (SELECT + SQUARE).
– Updated + Modded latest RetroArch commits (Feb 10, 2013)
– Updated fba-libretro core with latest commits (Feb 10, 2013)
– Added Custom System Filter (go to options and select the
systems to filter in that category).
– Added support for 1080p / 720p / 480p display modes (all tested).
– Added Game Preview display feature (hover a game to see its preview).
– Included most game previews with package (thanks to Sturn and JacKc @ NeoSource forums)
– Added new Options Menu.
– Added module to save / read settings to “FBA_RL.ini”.
– Added Option to configure 12 custom directories to scan for
ROMs, you decide where you want FB Alpha RL to look for ROMs :).
– Added Option to set / change Input presets for all systems, you just
need to do this once.
– Added Option to Automatically Create basic Input preset configurations
for all supported systems.
– Added Option to enable / disable Auto Aspect Ratio selection on game launch.
– Added Game System Filter (Press L1 / R1 to toggle game system filters).
– Added ROM(s) re-scanning module (Press [START] to re-scan ROM(s)).
– Rewrote FB Alpha RL to make better use of PSGL, now it
supports a better GUI based on texture rendering
(Thanks to Squarepusher/Twinaphex for the tips).
– FB Alpha RL will check for important directories needed
by RetroArch on launch, and will create them as needed.
If you have the official RetroArch installed and it have
missing directories as well for some reason, they will be
created to make sure everything work fine.
– Incremented number of displayed games.
– Added quick list navigation by pressing L2 / R2.
– Added Analog Stick support to navigate lists.
– Added Main menu with various useful items.
– Added ZIP Info feature (press [ ] to view ZIP info).
– Updated FB Alpha (libretro) core.
– (FBA core) Fixed graphic problems in CPS-1 driver.
– (FBA core) Fixed Diagnostic Menu Lock-up in some games.
– Added Screenshot feature (press (PS) and look in Photo XMB column).
– Improved application core overall and fixed some bugs.
– FB Alpha RL will not process WIP drivers from now on
until compatibility is better(Megadrive, PCE, SNES).
Fonte: http://www.dekazeta.net/files/file/1713-fb-alpha-rl-retro-loader/
Muito bom , gosto muito do FBA !!!