
[Emulação] RyujiNX 1.1.171

Ryujinx é um emulador de Nintendo Switch de código aberto, criado por gdkchan, escrito em C#. Este emulador visa fornecer excelente precisão e desempenho, uma interface amigável e construções consistentes. Foi escrito do zero e o desenvolvimento do projeto começou em setembro de 2017.

1.1.171 - 2022-07-08 (Inglês)


  • UI – Avalonia Part 3.
    • Adds the remaining Avalonia windows. The UI is now at parity with the current GTK UI.

1.1.170 - 2022-07-08 (Inglês)


  • Avalonia – Use loaded config when assigning controller input.
    • Fixes a crash in the upcoming Avalonia UI that occurs when mapping controller input while a config hasn’t been saved for that controller.

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  • Avalonia – Ensure mouse cursor is only hidden when mouse is in renderer.
    • Fixes a bug in the upcoming Avalonia UI where the mouse cursor wouldn’t be hidden properly.

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  • Relicense Ryujinx.Audio under the terms of the MIT license
    • Adjusts the licence of Amadeus from LGPLv3 to MIT.

1.1.167 - 2022-07-08 (Inglês)


  • Fix deadlock in mouse input on Avalonia.
    • Fixes a deadlock in the upcoming Avalonia UI that occurs if you open any window while direct mouse input is enabled.

1.1.166 - 2022-07-06 (Inglês)


  • Fix Vi managed and stray layers open/close/destroy.
    • Portal and Portal 2 are now playable.

1.1.165 - 2022-07-06 (Inglês)


  • Implement CPU FCVT Half <-> Double conversion variants.
    • Required by Portal and Portal 2 (however they still require further changes to get in-game).

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Add support for alpha to coverage dithering.

  • Fixes missing dithering (semi-transparency) effect on objects close to the camera and at the edges of the draw distance in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

1.1.163 - 2022-07-05 (Inglês)

UI – Avalonia Part 2.

  • Adds settings window and subsequent windows and controls to the upcoming Avalonia-based user interface.

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ptm: Stub GetTemperature.

  • Stubs GetTemperature service needed by the latest version of nx-hbmenu (Homebrew menu).
