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O Retroarch
RetroArch é o frontend de referência para a API do libretro. Exemplos populares de implementações para essa API incluem emuladores de sistemas de videogame e mecanismos de jogos, bem como programas 3D mais generalizados. Esses programas são instanciados como bibliotecas dinâmicas. Nós nos referimos a eles como “núcleos de libretro”.
A LibRetro
libretro é uma API que expõe callbacks genéricos de áudio/vídeo/entrada. Um frontend para libretro (como RetroArch) lida com saída de vídeo, saída de áudio, entrada e ciclo de vida do aplicativo. Um núcleo de libretro escrito em C ou C++ portátil pode ser executado perfeitamente em muitas plataformas com muito pouco ou nenhum esforço de portabilidade.
Embora o RetroArch seja o frontend de referência para o libretro, vários outros projetos usaram a interface do libretro para incluir suporte para emuladores e/ou mecanismos de jogo. libretro é totalmente aberto e gratuito para qualquer um usar.
Atualmente suportando as seguintes plataformas:
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows Millennium
- Windows 2000
- Windows NT 3.5
- Windows 98
- Windows 95
- Linux
- Emscripten (WebAssembly and JavaScript)
- FreeBSD
- NetBSD
- OpenBSD
- Haiku
- Solaris
- Apple macOS (PPC, x86-32 and x86-64)
- Apple iOS
- Apple tvOS
- Android (2.x to most recent version)
- PlayStation 2
- PlayStation 3
- PlayStation Portable
- PlayStation Vita
- Original Microsoft Xbox
- Microsoft Xbox 360 (Libxenon/XeXDK)
- Microsoft Xbox One
- Microsoft Xbox Series S/X
- Nintendo GameCube
- Nintendo Wii
- Nintendo Wii U
- Nintendo 3DS/2DS
- Nintendo Switch
- Nintendo NES/SNES Classic Edition
- Raspberry Pi
- Blackberry
- OpenDingux
- Miyoo
- RS90
- RetroFW
As mudanças podem ser vistas abaixo, para as pessoas mais curiosas e técnicas:
Retroarch 1.13 (Ingles)
- 3DS: Remove debug button combo to shutdown RA
- 3DS: Remove MaterialUI as per MrHuu recommendation
- ANDROID: Enable ‘Vibrate On Key Press’ by default
- ANDROID: Turn ‘Threaded Video’ off by default
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.5
- COMPILATION: Fixed compiling with –disable-menu
- CONFIG: Don’t show override notification with appendconfig alone
- DATABASE/PLAYLISTS: Playlist + database changes – Cleanup ‘entry_slot’, fallback label + logging
- FRONTEND: Fix default remaps folder for various cores: remap should be nested in config folder
- GFX/VIDEO FILTERS: Prevent video filter init if game is not running
- HOTKEYS: Fix shader toggle and add hotkey + sublabel
- HOTKEYS: Cleanups and corrections – Keep hotkey pause and menu pause separate in order to not trigger unwanted pause when toggling menu regardless if menu will pause or not
- HOTKEYS: Cleanups and corrections – Allow unpausing with Start (makes resuming more convenient after controller disconnect if menu does not pause)
- IOS13+: Pointer movement accuracy. iPad Trackpad Pointer Movement Accuracy through absolute location (for iOS 13.4 and above)
- IOS13+: Adds iPad Trackpad Support to iOS13 Project (for iOS 13.4 and above)
- INPUT: Fixed the way devices were previously indexed. Input devices were only being indexed in order and would stop at the first time an input has no device connected to it. The problem is when a device gets disconnected, that input will have no devices connected to it, but the next input may still have a device connected. So, that makes changing the port of the currently connected devices impossible.
- INPUT/AUTOCONFIG: Add option for pause on controller disconnect
- INPUT/AUTOCONFIG: Driver independent disconnection notification. Should show disconnect notification now properly on Windows with XInput and/or DirectInput pads
- INPUT/HID: Added usb hid controllers for the famous ZeroDelay encoder and also for “Kade: Kick Ass Dynamic Encoder” to be able to use some custom arcade sticks.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Add eightway area types.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Ignore hitboxes with zero area. I.e. Set ‘reach_x’ or ‘reach_y’ to zero to ensure no hitbox math is done. This simplifies designating animation-only descriptors (e.g. for eightway areas) or obsolete descriptors.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Add ‘reach’ and ‘exclusive’ for hitboxes. Allows stretching hitboxes and handling their overlap.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Fix overlay next_index for unnamed targets
- INPUT/MENU: Addition to analog stick menu navigation
- INPUT/MENU: Enable menu navigation also with right analog stick
- INPUT/MENU: Add option for swapping menu scrolling buttons
- LOCALIZATION: Add Hungarian language option
- MENU: Thumbnail fullscreen toggle behavior correction
- MENU: Consistent left-right scrolling for Quick Menu items
- MENU: Remove useless sublabel from System Information
- MENU: Improve widget appearance with missing assets
- MENU/QT/WIMP: Remove SSL/TLS check at startup
- MENU/OZONE: Show metadata helper in footer only with second thumbnail
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements – Add “Cycle thumbnails” helper when suitable
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements – Show “Search” helper only when search function is enabled
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements – Fix “Thumbnails available” helper for save states
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements – Tighten padding between icon and title, and widen between helpers
- MENU/OZONE: Launching anything from a View no longer throws Quick Menu off the screen
- MENU/OZONE: Save state thumbnails in slot dropdown obeys fullscreen toggle properly when content launched via CLI
- MENU/OZONE: Save state thumbnail dropdown won’t allow fullscreen toggle when it shouldn’t
- MENU/OZONE: Selection position remembering in non-playlists won’t flash the first entry
- MENU/OZONE: Remember selection per main tabs
- MENU/OZONE: Remove incomplete assets warning
- MENU/OZONE: Add option to adjust cursor memory when changing menu tabs
- MENU/OZONE: Further extend texture support for Core Option categories
- MENU/XMB: Remove incomplete assets warning
- MENU/XMB: Add truncate playlist name option
- MENU/XMB: Improve background image selector
- MENU/XMB: Add option to adjust cursor memory when changing menu tabs
- MENU/XMB: Further extend texture support for Core Option categories
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Remove incomplete assets warning
- OSX: Fixed Z/X keys not working on the macOS port
- OSX: Fixed RETROK_LMETA not working on macOS port. The RETROK_LMETA key was not defined in the rarch_key_map_apple_hid
- OSX: Fix broken fullscreen mode in macOS Ventura
- PS2: Fix Error saving remaps and runtime logs
- PS3: Fix Core Remap Overwrite Fail
- QB: Don’t fail if OSDependent/OGLCompiler libraries are not present
- SCANNER/PS1: Improved scanning of PS1 discs
- SCANNER/PS2: Added serial scanning of PS2 discs – should now scan DVDs and other discs which were previously missed
- THUMBNAIL: If you rename title, you cannot use the thumbnail image. because the thumbnail filename and the title must be the same. If there is no thumbnail with title, find the thumbnail image with rom-name. This has nothing to do with IME.
- THREADED VIDEO/GLCORE: Fix regression ‘Shader presets dont load, when video driver is set to glcore’
- VULKAN: Fix HDR inverse tonemapping. Only skip tonemapper if HDR10 is explicitly enabled by last shader pass. Otherwise, we are simply just inheriting the bit-depth of the swapchain.
Lembrando que o Retroarch para PS4 está em desenvolvimento final e será um dos mais completos para consoles no momento ;D
Se você preza pela ultima versão sempre pode baixar aqui, caso procure para uma plataforma especifica verifique aqui