Easy PKG Extractor

O Easy PKG Extractor App para PS4 5.05, destinado a usuários menos experientes. Permite extrair PKGs instalados no console para um dispositivo USB conectado a ele. Existem outras maneiras de fazer isso usando FTP ou PS4-Xplorer, mas não é tão simples quanto com este aplicativo.

  • O utilitário determina automaticamente a qual porta o dispositivo USB está conectado (usb0 ou usb1).
  • Ele mostra uma barra de progresso para saber a porcentagem de nossa cópia.
  • Permite cancelar a cópia a qualquer momento.


  • Fixing a problem with the name of some files and with the calculation of the percentage of the progress bar. Thank you very much to @NagatoRevenge for testing it and to @Vijay71518636 for the feedback


  • Added copy options to also extract the Patch and DLCs There are 7 copy options, change the selected one with triangle until you find the one you need:
  • PKG+Patch+DLCs
  • PKG+Patch
  • PKG+DLCs
  • Patch+DLCs PKG only
  • Patch only DLCs only


  • Added the option to extract PKG from external drives, but only those with native PS4 format.
  • Use L1 and R1 to change the disk
  • Thank you very much to my friend @abodora2 for the tests and the image.

Fonte & Download: https://twitter.com/Lapy05575948/status/1238462109920477185?s=20




Easy PKG Extractor
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