[Nintendo DS/3DS] Twilight Menu ++

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Uma grande update para o Twilight Menu DS/3DS, varias novidades, melhorias e emoção de bugs, com certeza a melhor updates do ano para esse Menu customizável do DS/3DS!

Novidades do Twilight Menu++

What’s new?

  • Updated B4DS DSiWare whitelist to accommodate for the included nds-bootstrap version.
  • Added warning messages when launching Art Style: Aquia, Flipper, and Mighty Milky Way on flashcards in DS mode.
  • (@Epicpkmn11) Allowed skins to set username/date/time X/Y and override settings for macro mode.


Bug fixes

  • R4/GBC themes: Fixed recent console icon additions not being displayed.
  • Fixed trying to read custom skin BGM, if no custom skin is found.
  • Slot-1 is now inited properly, regardless of the Slot-1 microSD access setting.
    • This allows certain flashcards to be launched (ex. Gateway Blue Card).
  • Fixed Set as Donor ROM option not showing on flashcards if nds-bootstrap is off.
  • (@DieGo367) Various grayscale color mode fixes.
  • Fixed bugged sounds in Pictochat and DLP, if not using DSiWarehax.


[Nintendo DS/3DS] Twilight Menu ++
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